Chris Lightenberg's Posts (3)

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This seems to be the philosophy of way to many of our elected officials. Since the function of Government is to get bigger and gain more control over the individual then the solution is simple. The Government can not increase in size and scope without added revenue, so we must move to restrict it ability to raise revenue and to spend money they do not have as it seems they spend more then they take in regardless. Clearly an amendment to the US Constitution is the only way to go. We must tie spending to a percentage of our total output, and require super majorities to exceed the limits we get put in place. 


Everyone must also pay into the system with a flat tax or consumption tax. For those that claim this would unfairly burden the lower income taxpayers as they spend more of their income I say this can be overcome with subsidies like we currently have in place.

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Vinyl covered steps have been a slip concern since they were first installed before there were any other options like plastic, or fiberglass models. With recent trends consumers are looking for vinyl pools which look more like concrete pools. So more vinyl covered steps are being sold with pattern over the step for the "look". Many dealers are concerned over the risk of slipping as are many of the liner manufacturers. This is such a worry that the vinyl film makers developed textured vinyl just for steps, but there were only available in solid colors. A few years ago they began producing the textured material with limited patterns like the reflections. 

However these textured materials generally do not have any clear coat since that would increase the risk of slipping. That means the steps will be prone to stains from worms and or leaves. Despite the downside consumers still desire the look of all pattern over their steps and why not is sure does look good. After a few slips they wish they had selected something different. The real problem here is no matter what choice they make there is a major difference in the "look".

Kayden Manufacturing is now marketing a spray on epoxy with grit. After extensive laboratory testing it is ready for use in your customers pools. It can be applied to new or existing vinyl covered steps very easily. Best of all it is fairly inexpensive too. I suggest you give it a try on some older liners and see for yourself how effective it is in ending slippery steps. It is a great opportunity to earn extra money and solve a nagging problem for many pool owners.

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Powerful words expressions of FREEDOM by FREE PEOPLE. But what of our freedoms now? Has the American public grown tired of being FREE and now are ready to surrender control of their lives to the GOVERNMENT!!

Benjamin Franklin who was a regular guest at my great, great, great, great, Grandfathers Inn (may be short a great or two), said it best after signing the Declaration of Independence...."we give you a representative republic for as long as you can keep it". Have we lost it already? Or has the majority of Americans finally awakened to the fact our freedoms are being seized by a runaway government that is no longer representing the Republic and no longer following the will of the majority. By what GOD given right do they (the government) have to decide what is best. Last I knew the Bill of Rights recognized we are endowed by our creator with them.

Are you willing to simply sit back and watch? I for one am not!! Yes I made the list they were keeping last year, yes I received e-mails from the White House telling how mis-informed I was. Funny thing is I actually studied the teachings of Karl Marx and Frederick Engles, but I also studied the teachings of John Stuart Mills. It was Mills writing in his book "On Liberty" which opened my eyes to Libertarianism the believe system I embrace to this day.

Jefferson said it best..."the government that governs least governs best" our present leaders have put our Representative Republic in jeopardy, wake up people before it is too late!
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