Are you thankful? Really thankful? Good, because I have a real Thanksgiving experience and story you should read and remember. . .
An inspiring meeting. . .
My oldest son and I were on a combined hunting and relaxation trip in Northern Arizona just a few days ago. We decided to stop in one of the most popular book and record stores in Flagstaff; just to unwind and look around. As usual, there were plenty of books and items with which to amuse ourselves. Soon, our varying interests led us to different areas of the store.
Whenever I am in a bookstore I will always seek out the history section and end up wherever the World War II books are compiled (this period of history has always held a particular fascination for me). While browsing the various titles, I briefly noticed an elderly lady next to me sharing the same section.
As I reached for another book to scan I heard her softly say, “I’ll never forget this train”. I looked down and noticed that she was holding a book that had on its cover a train with a red banner on the front of the engine. In the center of that banner was a black Nazi swastika on a bright red background. I asked her if she had seen a train like that before. She told me that she had been on that train.
Really, I answered. You were really on a train like that. “I was on this train”, she emphasized while pointing at the photograph.
“I was there”. . .
She told me that she is a Holocaust survivor. She had personally experienced the horrors of one of the worst and cruelest periods in human history. She then reached up to a shelf and retrieved a book and handed it to me. “This is my story. I wrote this book”, she stated.
In her hand was a book titled, Kiss Every STEP. On the cover is a bright yellow Star of David with the letters Jude in the center. “Jude means Jew. I am Jewish”, she told me. “My book is in the Holocaust museum in Washington, D.C. and in the Library of Congress”, she continued.
Lest we forget. . .
I asked her what she thought of those who claim that the Holocaust never happened. She shook her head and said that we must all remember. To this end, she told me that she often speaks at Northern Arizona University and at high schools whenever invited.
I mentioned that my father, who served with General Patton throughout Europe, was one of the first GI’s to enter Buchenwald concentration camp in Germany and that he has seen the ovens and emaciated people with his own eyes. “Yes”, she said; “we were all like those people”. Just then, my son showed up; he always knows where to find me in a bookstore.
I introduced her to my son and immediately the three of us seemed to be friends. She told us of her village in Poland that was nearly wiped out by the Nazis and of the camp to which she was taken; Auschwitz. She then told us that her entire family was intact and reunited after the Holocaust; an incredibly rare and miraculous occurrence.
I asked for her autograph and for the privilege of a photo. She told me that people often asked her for a photo, but did not acknowledge my request further. Then she accompanied us to the checkout counter where I purchased her book.
A gracious and courageous lady. . .
As we were saying our goodbyes she mentioned that we had not yet taken a photo together (I thought that she had not wanted that, so I had not mentioned it again). The counterperson was kind enough to snap the photo that you see below.
Then she said that we must share a goodbye hug; so we did. As I hugged her I told her how inspired I was to have met her. She hugged me again and then said, “Happy Thanksgiving”. In the excitement of the few moments that we all shared I had forgotten. It was almost Thanksgiving. Doris hadn’t forgotten; she will never forget. She is always thankful.
Thanks again, Doris. . .
I will always remember Doris Martin. She told me that she was saved by God to tell her story to all who would listen. Her book is Kiss Every STEP A Survivor’s Memoir from the Nazi Holocaust; Copyright 2009 Doris Martin with Ralph S. Martin; ISBN: 1-4392-5606-3 and ISBN-13:9781439256060. You may purchase a copy at I highly recommend it.
Happy Thanksgiving and thanks. . .
I have always been thankful to God for all He has provided me; especially for family and friends. Now, I have met a person who truly understands the meaning of Thanksgiving in ways which I had never previously comprehended.
Happy Thanksgiving to you, your families and your friends. Happy Thanksgiving to our troops, wherever they are stationed. Thank you for your support and your continuing desire to grow in your chosen profession.
And thanks for remembering. Always remembering. . .
Mario D. Rossetti

This is an amazing story, thank you for sharing. I am going to look up the book...