Posted by Ray Cronise on November 15, 2008 at 9:00am
A few years ago I stumbled upon a book, The Power of an Hour by Dave Lakahni. It is a fascinating book about what an hour of "fearsome focus" on a project can really do to accelerate progress and success. It is about making progress and plans that create forward momentum. For those that don't know me, I am a reader; at least one book every 1 1/2 weeks. For those that do know me, you get the calls, emails, and pleads "you just have to read THIS book." So I made my typical calls to michelle, rex, steve, etc....and then one week later, I get a call from Rex, "Ray, you'll never guess who I am at dinner with?" Yep, Dave Lakahni.Dave came from an interesting background having grown up in a cult. As such he was able to experience and learn first hand how people manipulate and brainwashing people into doing, well cultish things. Emails were exchanged, then phone calls, and now he has become a good friend. He has spoken at corporate events and he has an amazing insight to sales, marketing, and business success.His most recent blog post is a REAL winner and I want you to take the time to read it carefully. It outlines the questions you should be asking about your swimming pool company. If you can't answer these questions, you need to really make an effort to do so.Take a look at: The Recession and Small BusinessThere is a lot of information here and EVERYONE will get something out of this.