Market demand has prompted National Swimming Pool Foundation, the leading educators for those who care for pools and spas, to develop BASIC online courses to quickly get retail, builder, distributor and manufacturer employees up to speed on the basics of pool and spa operation, and water chemistry.

Just launched, two courses are now available in the convenient training format - online. So employees can take the courses anytime, anywhere, they can start, and come back.

The courses are found at then click on online training, then aquatic online courses.

Sign up for Pool & Spa Basics and Water Chemistry Basics today!  Learn what you need to know to more effectively perform your jobs, says Alex Antoniou, Ph.D. and Director of Education at the NSPF.

“We developed the learning to meet the needs of these individuals and those new to the industry, who understand that customers expect to find well-informed people on staff, yet – many companies have limited resources to provide employees the knowledge and tools to get there,” explains. Dr. Antoniou. “Whether they are answering phones, working the counter with customers, or in the field, the Pool & Spa Basics and Water Chemistry Basics courses will give them the knowledge and confidence they need.” 


The complete news release is at

Cost? Each course is just $40 - add an NSPF Pool & Spa Operator Handbook for discounted $50.00.

Or a package of all three for just $130.

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