Join us on February 20-21, 2009 at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, Florida. The weather will be great - today we expect a high in the 70's.Anyone who registers for the Show by January 31 will automatically be entered in a drawing to win 4 tickets to Sea World! Visit to register and view course descriptions.There are more than 60 courses offered at the Orlando Pool & Spa Show. Twenty-eight of those courses are new and nine contain eco-friendly content. As always, we have numerous classes at all levels for technical applications from aggregate finishes, hydraulics and chemistry to heat pumps and chlorinators. There are also an additional 15 free hand-on courses. Hands-on courses inside the exhibit hall and provide the chance for small group instruction on manufacturers’ products – for free! Also inside the exhibit hall Jennifer Hatfield is presenting a course on understanding the VGB act and there also is a presentation on the status of the drought in the southeastern US.A slowdown in business is a great time to focus on your company and on improving technical skills. Take advantage of the opportunity to attend more classes than you have in the past, bring more staff with you so they can see the big picture of the swimming pool industry and open your mind to the chance to share your experiences with other professionals.