Pool & Spa Supplies as "Retail Therapy"

Ever heard of a little thing called "Retail Therapy?"

I'm sure you have, but for the sake of having something to write about, I am going to give you my definition:

"Retail Therapy" is an integral part of human life, and has been since the rise of the almighty commodity. When life gets you down, go shopping. When life lifts you up, go shopping. When life puts any twist or turn in the road ahead of you, GO SHOPPING.

Even in times of dire financial crisis, shopping has the power to overcome a bad mood. 

This is not just for women, either. Men use shopping as their therapeutic cure as well.

Women are typically moved towards the nearest shopping mall, while men migrate towards the an electronics store, automotive supply, or home repair depot. 

There is only one thing that is certain: people will always have strong emotions, and those strong emotions will always find release in "Retail Therapy."

As a Pool Supply retailer, I want to you take a moment to reflect on your store, your sales, your marketing campaigns and ask yourself this question: are you cashing in on this surefire market?

When a high-strung sales executive (whose name was recently forgotten by the CEO! After how many years! GAH!) drives by your store looking for something to calm his / her nerves, will they find a reason to stop and shop? Right now a long, hot soak in a fragrant spa sounds just about perfect...but is it obvious that you offer the solution?

When a 16 year old girl is floating on cloud nine because her new boyfriend held her hand and kissed her cheek (in front of the whole school! Eee!), does she realize that she can have a pool party in her backyard, invite said boyfriend and, just maybe, get another PDA (public display of affection) to swoon about? You have the supplies!

When a recently retired gentleman is trying to pretend he is NOT bored out of his mind, searching for something to spend his time and hard-earned money on, will he know that your store offers everything he needs to build / renovate / update his backyard pool or spa, and a lot of extras which can keep him occupied for WEEKS! 

The interesting thing about "Retail Therapy" is that those in need of such a cure are typically in such an emotional state that they are not thinking clearly. The first good idea that pops out at them will attract their attention and, most likely, benefit from their patronage.

Emotional advertising  is not a new concept. It has been one of the most successful means of promotion since the dawn of marketing. What can you do to make your location more appealing to emotional shoppers? 
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  • Jeremy, that is exactly what I mean! I am always remembering this saying I heard somewhere:


    "If a guy comes into your store wanting to buy a fishing rod, don't try to sell him a fishing rod. Sell him the fish he is going to catch"


    I love it. It makes selling and marketing so much more interesting and creative!

  • This reminds me of always selling the sizzle, not the steak. Sizzle is a stronger emotional keyword. 


    Good article Monique.



    Florida Leisure Pool & Spa


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