Posted by Rex Richard on September 16, 2008 at 1:29pm
Pause a moment and give some though to the idea of success. Define it, model it, consider it, what makes it "tick", how does it work?
There are many elements and I highly recommend the book "The Law of Success" by Napoleon Hill if you care to explore a complete discourse on the subject, but at this writing let's just consider two specific elements.
The two elements are, "frequency" and "consistency". Let's also narrow these words down to a specific topic, the topic of "SEO", or search engine optimization. SEO in itself is a vast subject, but at this time we will consider just a part, though a very important part.
When a search engine looks out at the internet world it is looking for information and ideas that most closely match the subject needs of the person conducting the search. If you are looking for "pool design ideas", contrary to popular opinion, you are probably not looking for "ads for pool companies". So with regard to advertising, how do we get our message heard? The answer is “frequency” and “consistency”.
You may have heard that blogging can help your search engine results, and it can, but most go about it in the wrong way and get absolutely no results. The first thought to remember is, “a blog is not an ad”. If you make your blog into an ad, the search engines will quickly identify it and basically “turn it off”. You see an “ad” does not answer the need for relevant information.
Besides making the blog an “ad”, the second largest mistake is to create a blog, add a couple of articles, publish it to the net, the forget about it. This is a total waste of internet real estate. Think of it this way, the search engines only care as much about your blog as you do. Assuming the content is informative and relevant, it must also be “frequent”.
By frequent I mean you must post frequently in time. So the question is, “how frequent”? The answer is, “how important do you want the search engines to think you are”? Ideally you would post articles daily. The more frequent the better the results. In fact many businesses who seriously count on the search engine rankings to promote their business hire full time "bloggers". Now I already know what you are thinking... “I can’t afford that”. The fact is it may be a lot less expensive than you think, but that will have to wait for another topic. For now just understand you can get results if you post a few times a week. More is better, and much more is much better. The thing to avoid is an abandoned blog site.