What waterproofing products perform best on weir walls inside and out.
Does any one have information on surge tank sensors that activate the edge circulation system when bathers enter the pool.
Is a waterproofing additive in mortar beds that are constantly submerged necessary and are they compatible with bonding additives.
Please feel free to comment on any or all. Any input is valued.
Thoroseal works well for waterproofing dam walls inside and out as it works for positive and negative pressure applications.
Laticrete's Hydro-Ban is another but I believe it works for positive pressure only-call their tech support for details I would say.
You can also add waterproofing agents to a wet mix application pour or shot such as Aquafin or Aquron. It is added at the ready mix company at a certain ratio. I have not used it, but have read up on it's use.
I also shoot gunite dry so there's no way to add any of these products for our purposes.
I've found the Thoroseal to work well for us. There are membrane type products, which I hear mixed reviews.
Like all products if the directions are followed, the results should be favorable.