
  • Ok, that makes sense. I am assuming this is on a pool and the steps are in the shallow end that would be around 3 feet deep or so.
    If that is the case i would lower it to your normal level depending on the cover, mesh 6 to 12 inches below the skimmer to allow for the water and snow to refill the pool, and solid just below the skimmer or none at all. Winterize the pool how you normally would and don't really worry too much about any damage. Nothing should happen, we have never had any issues and we are in Cleveland Ohio. You could refill your antifreeze bottles halfway with water and put those in the pool. This would sacrifice those bottles when the pool freezes prior to hurting the tile.
    There really is nothing else that you could do unless you were to drain the pool below all of the steps, but then you run into the issue of hydrostatic pressure and not enough support for the cover.
  • Anticipated issues; north east, ice, potential tile damage, ice always against tile in full tile aplication.
  • David,
    What issue are you running into?
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