Cave Pool 3

Cave Pool 3

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  • Dale,

    I designed this pool for my previous employer, we sub contracted out the pool construction and did the faux rock-work in house.While I'm still on good terms with my previous employer Im not necessarily married to them for installation of this type work and would be interested in hearing more about your company and the services you coud provide as thus type work either on swimming pools or natural water features is the focus of my firm FRESH environmental designs. Do you have a website or any marketing materials you could send my way? I;m based out of Atlanta but am open to traveling for the right project and am always looking for resources to provide my clients.

    I look forward to hearing more about your company, feel free to emaiil me at


    Andy Henderson, RLA
  • Hey Andy:
    Very nice pool job! Do you guys do your own rock work or did you sub it out? We specialize in this type of thing as well. Nice job.
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