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  • Mark was truly a unique individual. I am glad that I had a chance to meet him on a few occasions. The ideas that he had about returning heated water to the bottom of the pool rather than the top make perfect sense from a thermodynamic standpoint, yet they are still rarely put into practice. We need more voices like him drawing us all to improve our "best practices."

  • Mark Urban was truly a unique individual. Throughout my career I have been blessed to have met many brilliant engineers, and most shared Mark's eccentricity for design perfection. My Memories of Mark only go back about fourteen years, and none of those memories ever contained a dull moment. Mark gave "orange" a new meaning and every time I saw that color I always thought of him. I'll miss his Santa hair, and most of all the lovable way he made you feel he was your friend. The industry will miss you Mr. Urban, and so will I...I'll drink a "Bud" in your honor and take pride in knowing you have already begun to re-engineer Heaven.

  • "I know you are happy after all I would not doubt it that you copied the sign on heavens door " Stupid People Stay Out""


    James, that is one of the greatest things I've heard. Thanks for sharing that with us.

  • I remember when he called me many years ago and asked me if I would help man his booth at the NSPI show in Phoenix.  I flew out there from Minneapolis to find a very large area with thick white plush carpet sealed off with caution tape.  I thought to myself this is odd and proceeded to ask for Mark.  A friendly man in shorts came out and invited me into his world of what not to do in marketing 101.  He brought me over to his signs that said "stupid people stay out" Well wouldn't you know it; the caution tape and the stupid people stay out sign actually worked. I believe we only spoke to a handful of people the entire show.  Till this day I still get a chuckle thinking about his anti marketing campaign.  Mark I want to thank you for being such a good friend over the past 25 years and for believing in us when no one else did.  I know you are happy after all I would not doubt it that you copied the sign on heavens door " Stupid People Stay Out"

  • WOW! A local icon recognized throughout the swimming pool industry...


    I too just recently spoke with him and had no clue.  Mark would often call me when he had a design change with his website and ask me to stop by and "tell me what you think"... and then he would always go on to describe his latest brainstorm... His mind always seemed to be going a million miles an hour.  I swear he had more thoughts in a day than most people have in a week.


    I am sorry to hear that he has died...

  • I saw Mark earlier this year at a IPSSA meeting in San Diego.  You couldn't miss him if you tried, and he was always quick to engage you in conversation and make sure you understood what he was about.  I had no idea he was sick, and it hurts to think he is now gone.  God Bless You, Mark.  RIP.

  • I never got the chance to speak with him. His ideas though, were brilliant.


    To all his family members and friends, I wish you the peace and comfort during these difficult times. My prayers are with you.

  • Sad to see such a creative mind no longer with us.  He made very unique and useful products and was a heck of an interesting character to talk to.

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