E-Z Pool products

Has anyone tried this stuff? Our local distributor and talking it up to us and we are thinking of converting some our clients over. Has anyone had an experience with it?

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  • We also have been using Oxone in our service customers pools for many, many years now. We use it as a shock every 3-5 weeks. It sounds here like some are using it as the primary sanitizing agent??

    We use it to controll combined Chlorine in our pools. With a route of about 80 pools we go through a 60# bag in about 2 months. I like it because it seems to break up the chloramines in the pool almost immediately, and it doesn't take that much (1 lb.) to do it. This is the same product that has been sold for YEARS as Shocktrine (AppliedBiochemists). Oxone what DuPont calls it, and it is sold in bulk packaging (60# bags) locally here.
  • My bad!

    Please see "oxone" CD45 Sanitizer and Oxidizer for Pools and Spas
  • Oxone is chlorine-free. It's non chlorine shock comprised of a triple salt including potassium monopersulfate (MPS). The technical bulletin on it is here while the MSDS is here. There is a small amount of magnesium carbonate in it mostly to compensate for pH, but there is no chlorine in it.

    Bruce Hudson said:
    I just looked up the MSDS and all I got was a Dupont product called Oxone. It is not chlorine free so may not be the product in question. Oxone is composed of sodium dichlor, monopersulphate, and soda ash. As you have likely figured out, there is "nothing new under the sun".
  • Troy, I misspelled your name and did'nt catch it in time. Apologies!

    Bruce Hudson said:
    Sorry Roy, did not mean to sound negative. There are many very good labor saving treatment programs to choose from and they all work. A business must have something that sets them apart from their competitors, or why would a consumer look your way. I am a far south nuts and bolts kinda guy without a pool store, and 25 yrs. after- market experience that I want to share. If I can ever be helpful, I would feel privilaged.

    Programs, while helpful, can not address all the treatment variables that one will encounter and there is no replacement for intimate familiarity with your products and pool water treatment in general.

    The corner of the country I'm in can be brutally unforgiving (long, hot season) and a thourough understanding of products and programs is what helps to set me apart from the competition.

    I don't have all the answers, but have figured out how to find them. Hope I can be an asset to you guys.
  • Sorry Roy, did not mean to sound negative. There are many very good labor saving treatment programs to choose from and they all work. A business must have something that sets them apart from their competitors, or why would a consumer look your way. I am a far south nuts and bolts kinda guy without a pool store, and 25 yrs. after- market experience that I want to share. If I can ever be helpful, I would feel privilaged.

    Programs, while helpful, can not address all the treatment variables that one will encounter and there is no replacement for intimate familiarity with your products and pool water treatment in general.

    The corner of the country I'm in can be brutally unforgiving (long, hot season) and a thourough understanding of products and programs is what helps to set me apart from the competition.

    I don't have all the answers, but have figured out how to find them. Hope I can be an asset to you guys.
  • I have sold and used this product now for close to 8 years. I have personally helped 5 other dealers get on board with the product. It has been an absolute god sent for us. We have converted most of our customer base and they continue to thank us for doing so. It is a very simple product to use which allows the customer convenience and simplicity. I would be happy to visit with anyone about our success. You won't be sorry by trying this line of product. The product will cost the customer about the same as a full chlorine product line but the ease of use and reliability well outweighs the cost. Give it a try; it is well worth your time to check into it!
  • I just looked up the MSDS and all I got was a Dupont product called Oxone. It is not chlorine free so may not be the product in question. Oxone is composed of sodium dichlor, monopersulphate, and soda ash. As you have likely figured out, there is "nothing new under the sun".
  • I sell this through distribution in our market. A lot of homeowners have taken to is as an alternative to chlorine and biguanides. You must sell the added beneifts of it and it will sell, get 1 or 2 homeowners setup and their referrals will mean $$$.
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