Hello guys,
Could any of you give me your thoughts on return inlets being positioned in the floor.
I have a pool i am about to start, the original pool company has placed the pipework in the pool floor, they are to be placed on a slope ( pool being slope/flat/slope) Does anyone have input on this as i dont think it will create good circulation. prefer to see them in the walls personally.
In more northerly areas the wall inlets directed upwards help prevent the surface from completely freezing. Some will drain a pool below the skimmer but continue to run the pump.
Floor returns will actually outperform wall returns for both heating and mixing/filtering. Wall returns are more convenient, and are useful to disturb the surface giving that inviting shimmer and to mask debris or finish irregularities. Floor returns are regaining popularity in neg edge/wet edge pools where surface disturbance would be undesirable. In these pools a mirror-smooth surface can only be achieved with well designed floor inlets. With some experience, I think you will learn to love floor inlets.
Thanx for the input guys, i should have mentioned this is for an indoor pool.
Is it possible you could go into more detail for your reasoning, difficult to convince a client these days without details.
I guess everyone has google these days and they think they know everything... again many thanx for the input