So, I have a site with a ground water table at 18" below existing grade. What in everyone’s experience is the best method to cope with the constant pressure exerted against the shell in the event water is drained.
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1. Dig a 12" deep trench around the area at pool area plus 24".
2. Sink well points down into the grade. Points must go a minimum of 2' deeper than the pool.
3. Pipe the well points to a pump.
4. Use the pump to dewater the area. Consider a second ring of well points 3' -4' out from the first ring.
This routine was perfected in Florida. Find out what they did as far as spacing, pipe size, etc.
If the water is removed from the area, it can't float your pool. You should still use multiple hydrostats for the time when the pump fails.
I Live in Long Island N.Y. and practically 3/4 of the pools we build have water opportunities. I simply set up Weep lines, use blue stone rounded gravel and hydrostatic M.D.'s. In Some cases I use Helico Piles 24-48" on Center. Depends on the Scope of the Project and what the engineer calls for.
The fitting of Hydrostatic Valves and make sure you install enough to allow for the inflow of water if it is in a coastal situation that is effected by tidal change.
Good drainage from each valve important
Kiwi Norman
Norman, Thank you for the reply. We'll be sure to have several in place. In addition to that we are installing a well point system. This system will surround the pool and be embedded in washed 57 stone. The area is going to be rapped in geotextile fabric to prevent native soil from clogging the system.
I use both a 10inch and 8inch what we call a Grease Trap type of Valve the larger that I designed allows for de-watering whilst plastering with a sump pump the picture posted had 2 and it was built on a swamp in Shanghai.
Kiwi Norman
Here's the article I had remembered seeing that I thought might help:
I believe the article on Skip is in Aqua Magazine; I'll try and look for it a bit later.
In the meantime, here is something similar that will give you the general idea:
I will try and post up Skip's stuff later!
that does give me several ideas! why I didn't think of that is beyond me... I used this style of drain in a recent interior design I was involved in.
I have built several pools on the Pacific Ocean (as well as Baja California) where tide conditions are present. In all cases a hydro-static valve was placed in the floor to address this condition with success. Steel schedules were provided to address the water surcharge, and I know that several of these pools have been drained since construction with no problems.
Here's a pic of a pool I built some years back. The tide actually crashes against the back of the trough when it is high. Do you think we had any structural issues building this one?! 86 caissons built into the wall at that point, on overlapping concentric circles, if I remember correctly, and the pool is still standing! All thanks to a great structural engineer!
First and foremost, gorgeous project. I to have worked on the ocean before and know its challenges. My last project in such an environment was several years back and the engineering called for Helical Piles to be driven 24” o.c. I also have experience with pools built entirely out of the ground and directly against an existing home head wall. All that said my question was directed to a much simpler situation. I am aware of hydrostatic relief valves being the prototypical method of relieving static pressures pre and post construction. I really don’t like the look of those sitting at the bottom of the pool and wanted a more creative method to think about. I didn’t know if well points attached to the sump pots would be the recommended method or if anyone had anything newer and more innovative of a solution. Really looking for something completely unique. Having said that, if the tried and true ways are just the best answer than that’s how it is.
Additional thoughts appreciated.