Some of you may already do this, but  want to share it anyway in case you might not have tried it. We keep a form on the counter to ask customers to sign up their e-mail address and then I input them into my laptop. About once a  month, we send out a "special" of some sort in the form of an e-coupon, and/or notice of a sale, when our pool care schools will be, etc. It certainly is cheaper and faster and easier than direct mail, ads, etc.  The only downside is sometimes people don't write plainly and it is hard to read their e-mail address to input it properly. The customers really like getting savings via their home computer though, that they can simply print out and bring in for the discount. The money you save on conventional advertising more than pays for the discounts you are giving and it drives store traffic, too!

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  • Hi Merry,


    Thank you for your reply. Please semd me your email address and I will send you a copy of pictures of various 'walls of fame'


    Keep up the great work.



    Marco Longley 

    Sophisticated Selling Strategies...Simplified


    Author of “The Ultimate Hot Tub and Pool $ales Book”

    Discover how to double your sales in 7 days



    Merry Wise said:

    Marco, great ideas! I like the Wall of Fame idea with customers. We have a Wall of Fame with our pool design awards and other awards from all kinds of things over the years, but I like the idea of inviting the customers to be part of our "success" in a tangible way like that!
  • Marco, great ideas! I like the Wall of Fame idea with customers. We have a Wall of Fame with our pool design awards and other awards from all kinds of things over the years, but I like the idea of inviting the customers to be part of our "success" in a tangible way like that!
  • Great point Don.

    Don Parish said:

    Another key thing I have found with mailing list sign up sheets is to have the first form filled out.  Make up a client an address and email, etc.  People fill more comfortable when they see other people joining the list. 


    Also check out on Facebook, they now have a check-in feature.  It now allows you to offer a deal to your customer when someone comes to your store and checks-in through their mobile device.  This encourages people to check-in through their facebook which then shows people that they have been visiting your store and encourages others to visit.  This also helps you keep track of your high traffic times so that you can schedule more appropriately.


  • Hi Merry,


    Your suggestion of a contest entry box is terrific; can I be so bold to suggest a simple way to make it even more effective? Try to make the give-away a product like pool or spa chemicals that have a great margin and will require your winner to continue to do business with you. Perhaps offer a $75 in store credit (which will cost you far less than the retail value of $75).


    Why not offer a contest where your customers have to provide a picture to enter? Ask your customers to send you pictures (emailed photos are perfect) of them enjoying whatever product they purchased from you to be posted on your ‘wall of fame’?


    A ‘wall of fame’ should display pictures of your customers enjoying all the products they purchased and once posted, drive home your stores ‘credibility’ visually displaying all the happy customers.

    Below each picture you can also add a small section (let’s assume the customer purchased a hot tub) on a 3X5 card that lists ‘what my hot tub means to my family’. Having a wall of credibility will help to establish your professional credibility and help close more sales for you.


    I am a professional sales trainer focused on the pool and hot tub industry and can provide many ideas to help improve your sales. You can follow me on the Pool Genius network at:

    "... let's continue the discussion! Please join my "Group" Pool and...

    Or visit my website to receive a copy of my free eBook on 'Overcoming Objections'.



    Marco Longley

    Sophisticated Selling Strategies...Simplified


    Author of ‘The Ultimate Hot Tub and Pool $ales Book’

    Discover how to double your sales in 7 days

  • Here is an interesting article from Aqua Magazine pertaining to e-newsletters and driving customers to your retail store...


  • Another key thing I have found with mailing list sign up sheets is to have the first form filled out.  Make up a client an address and email, etc.  People fill more comfortable when they see other people joining the list. 


    Also check out on Facebook, they now have a check-in feature.  It now allows you to offer a deal to your customer when someone comes to your store and checks-in through their mobile device.  This encourages people to check-in through their facebook which then shows people that they have been visiting your store and encourages others to visit.  This also helps you keep track of your high traffic times so that you can schedule more appropriately.


  • Don, your idea about having customers sign up on Facebook was a great idea to also promote events and keep customers on top of pool schools, sales, etc.

    Don Parish said:
    I have also used Craigs List to generate traffic to the store. Every few weeks I post and item or items in the General Sales section. These items are usually posted at a near cost price point, with a very brief description, and only a phone number. This has worked to get a number of pool owners to call, who otherwise did not know I existed, at which point they are invited to the store to check out the advertised item.

    I use this opportunity to get them on the mailing list, explain the services we offer, and to sell them a higher margin item than the one they came into see. This is not bait and switch. If they really want the item from the site, I will sell it to them and treat it as a pass through. It is rare that they actually go for that item.

    Another good way to encourage more traffic is a referral program. I offer my customers a nominal discount if they refer customers to the store. For every five referrals that come into the store and tell me who sent them they receive a 10% discount. There is no better marketing than word of mouth.
  • You are so right about word of mouth, Don! Those are great suggestions!
  • I have also used Craigs List to generate traffic to the store. Every few weeks I post and item or items in the General Sales section. These items are usually posted at a near cost price point, with a very brief description, and only a phone number. This has worked to get a number of pool owners to call, who otherwise did not know I existed, at which point they are invited to the store to check out the advertised item.

    I use this opportunity to get them on the mailing list, explain the services we offer, and to sell them a higher margin item than the one they came into see. This is not bait and switch. If they really want the item from the site, I will sell it to them and treat it as a pass through. It is rare that they actually go for that item.

    Another good way to encourage more traffic is a referral program. I offer my customers a nominal discount if they refer customers to the store. For every five referrals that come into the store and tell me who sent them they receive a 10% discount. There is no better marketing than word of mouth.
  • That is a good thought! It might work to market some more. I'm still learning how to use all the internet tools and hadn't thought about that one!

    PoolDraw said:
    Hi Merry - Hope that the pool season is in full swing in your part of the country ... having thrown out Craig's List as a marketing option I went to see how it might work for a pool service/retail business ... I guess you would post information in "services offered - skilled trade " .... Craig's List updates very frequently so you would have post at least once a week - it's somewhat random/hit & miss .... maybe a weekend post would more likely be viewed by home-owners. Good luck!
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